This past week has seen a huge uptick in stories regarding Affordable Housing. I can't get into specifics like
Bill Randell or
Paul Collyer on the business side, but I can talk about the human side.
Jeremy Shulkin's article in Worcester Magazine lays out the main question for Worcester: Where do we go from here?
Mr. Shulkin states that an individual making less than $35,720 qualifies for affordable housing at a cap of $10,716 for rent or mortgage. That equals $893 a month for the top end of the scale. What happens at the bottom of the scale? The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $8.00 per hour. At 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, the bottom end of the scale (in theory) is $16,640 with $4992 for rent or mortgage, which equals $416 a month.
Your prospects are limited enough at $893 a month for home or condo ownership, so the answer is an apartment, with roommates. At $416 a month you end up living in a three decker somewhere in Worcester, filled to the brim with your friends and relatives, working multiple jobs. More often than not you're scrambling for rent and a way to pay bills. You end up moving more than you should, and you end up in some shady apartments where the landlord doesn't maintain the property, and certainly doesn't live in it with you. Code enforcement and Housing Courts are backlogged with good and bad tenants and good and bad landlords. There's little relief in sight, and the best most people caught in this loop can hope for is an escape for their children.
That's a pretty grim reality. How do we fix it?
Not with quotes like this:
"More emphasis should be placed on attracting a higher class of people, who in turn would improve the commercial vitality of the City, and allow the City to leverage more private investement [sic]."
I don't want to pick a fight with whoever said that, but I do want to pick a fight with the mindset that creates a quote like that and gets a lot of heads nodding in agreement. I don't deny the reality of Worcester's inner city neighborhoods. I've lived here my whole life, and volunteered as a coach for over 20 years at a little league that draws from the Piedmont area. There are a lot of reasons why it's bad and anyone who thinks that it is either society's fault or the individual's fault isn't going to solve the problem.
I understand that Mr. Randell wants to improve the City, and he makes excellent points on his blog on ways to
improve our housing stock and increase ownership. Worcester has been searching elsewhere for a 'higher class of people' for as long as I've been alive. There's always been a call from City leadership for an Arts District, or an Outlet Mall, or Mixed Use Parcels, or a Regional Airport that will save Worcester and bring the classy people flocking to us with open wallets. So far, none of those have worked.
Looking elsewhere for saviors is useless in the middle of a recession. I don't care how many reports, slogans and studies the City Council, the Chamber of Commerce or the Research Bureau have issued. Until we improve ourselves, the surrounding area is going to look at us with disdain (largely because we do the same thing to ourselves.)
Here's my plan: Education, Jobs, Renovation, Re-use and Ownership. The first two are pretty obvious. If we improve our educational system and opportunities, then our residents will be more desirable as a work force. If we create better jobs in the area from the bottom up, our inner city will improve. The third is more complex, and is exactly where the affordable housing debate gets murky because we haven't done the first two things consistently. We haven't managed our rental market properly at all. We need a vigilant Code Department that can respond to problems properties and get solutions. We need to cut down on the rate of absentee landlords. We need to encourage ownership and occupancy as much as we do investment (much like Joe O'Brien did personally).
If we do those three things well, then the higher class of people will be the people already here. And when we get these things right, the 'higher class of people' elsewhere will realize that Worcester is '
The Paris of the Eighties', and move here.
Then we'll complain about outsiders ruining our City. But that's a story I'll leave to Rosalie or Diane.