Are we supposed to believe that our food inspectors can't visit 4 restaurants a day over the course of a year? Are they flooded by so much paperwork or other responsibilities that we can't have adequate bi-annual inspections? Perhaps Part 2 of this story should involve Thomas Caywood and Andrew Veeder doing a ride along for a day with a Health Inspector. The follow up certainly shouldn't be this fluff piece.
In a related story, This Week's Dumbest Comment on the T&G Website ended in a tie:
"I like the idea of the restaurants having to post this stuff. And they can provide info showing how they cleaned it up. If it was small stuff that wouldn't prevent me from eating there, as long as I knew they took actions to prevent it in the future. What if the restaurant had a bad employee? I don't think they should be put out of business because they did something unsanitary. Back in colonial times, I don't think they had health inspectors going around checking for sanitary conditions did they? -Posted by Common Sense"
Suggested summer reading for 'T.E.A. partier' and 'Common Sense' is Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and just for fun, Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential. Perhaps reading might change their viewpoint on 'big government' and laissez-faire policies.